Das Institut für Architekturtechnologie der TU Graz veranstaltet in Kooperation mit der Sto-Stiftung die Vortragsreihe November Talks 2014 – Positions on Contemporary Architecture, die in diesem Jahr schon zum vierten Mal stattfindet. An den vier Montagabenden im November werden bekannte internationale Architekten/innen eingeladen, ihre Position zur zeitgenössischen Architektur in einem Vortrag mit anschließendem Podiumsgespräch zu erläutern. Das einzigartige Format der November Talks – eine Kombination aus Vortrag, Interview und Diskussionsrunde – erzeugt eine intensive öffentliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken der Architekten und ihrer Architekturhaltungen.
Die Veranstaltung findet jeweils um 19:00 Uhr in der Aula der Alte Technik in Graz statt.
3. November 2014: Sofia von Ellrichshausen, Mauricio Pezo, Concepcion
Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen established their art and architecture studio PEZO VON ELLRICHSHAUSEN in Concepcion, southern Chile, in 2002. They teach regularly in Chile and have been Visiting Professors at The University of Texas (Austin, 2011-2014) and at Cornell University (New York, 2009). Their work has been distinguished with the MCHAP Emerge Prize by the IIT (Chicago, 2014), the Rice Design Alliance Prize (Houston, 2012) and the V Iberoamerican Architecture Biennial Award (Montevideo, 2006); edited in monographic issues of A+U (Tokyo, 2013), 2G (Barcelona, 2012) and ARQ (Santiago, 2007); and exhibited at La Biennale di Venezia (Venice, 2010), at the Royal Academy of Arts (London, 2014) and as part of the permanent Collection at the MoMA (New York, 2014).
17. November 2014: Arno Brandlhuber, Berlin
Arno Brandlhuber is the founder of brandlhuber+ Berlin. He holds the chair of architecture and urban research at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg and is directing the nomadic masters program a42.org. He is co-founder of the public seminar Akademie c/o, currently researching on the spatial production of the Berlin Republic.
24. November 2014: Carme Pigem, Olot
Carme Pigem formed the office RCR Arquitectes in Olot together with Ramón Vilalta and Rafael Aranda in 1987. RCR works on HOW the architectural question is proposed. Architecture is any space for any activity, anywhere. HOW is this space, HOW it satisfies the needs it is made for, HOW it fits into the designated place - our architecture is one answer to those questions. Architecture comes out of a blank; a void we have to cross in order to get to a space where light becomes discernible and our senses start feeling. This unexplainable step is what makes architecture a creative profession, intrinsically linked to the dreams of the designing team.
01. Dezember 2014: Sasa Randic, Zagreb
Sasa Randic graduated from the University of Zagreb (1990). He was amongst the very first generations to graduate from the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam (1992). He established the office Randic-Turato Architects in 1993 together with Idis Turato. Randic and Associates, his present practice, was formed in 2009. He has received several prizes for his work and was shortlisted for Mies van der Rohe EU Prize for Architecture in 2007 and 2011, with the projects of Elementary School in Krk and DVKF Kindergarten. Besides his practice, in 2009 he initiated pogledaj.to, a leading Croatian blog on architecture. He teaches at the Split School of Architecture.