©: UNI Graz - Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie

Austrian-Slovenian workshop

The workshop is a cooperation of the departments of Cultural Anthropology and of Contemporary History of Karl-Franzens University Graz and the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Invited speaker PD Dr. Susan Thieme, University of Zurich Multiple mobilities in transnational work biographies.

Within the academic priority programmes "Europe’s Cultural History and its Interpretation" and "Heterogeneity and Cohesion" and with the support of the Vice-rector for Research and Junior Researchers' Promotion.

Information and inquiries: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Rolshoven, johanna.rolshoven@uni-graz.at

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und zum Kalender
bis 7.1.2025